I was honored to participate as invited speaker at TEDx Youth@BeaconStreet’s main event on November 9th, 2019. I drew from my own life challenges to speak about resilience in the face of adversity. I have a rare, painful neurological condition, yet it is mostly invisible to those without medical training. I spoke about this type of lived experience, stressing the alienation and difficulty of sharing one’s suffering with others. This is a reality shared by many with disabilities and chronic medical conditions.
Speaking directly to the TEDx Youth Speakers, I expanded on my own definition of leadership, which departs from the usual leader/follower dichotomy. I sang Puccini’s Nessun Dorma as an enactment of leadership expressed through music, ending with the words “vinceró, vinceró” (I will triumph) as an exhortation to carry on with hope and determination despite all obstacles.
To watch the talk click here.